



First and foremost, all of us at PH Property would like to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and a super 2023!

Wow!!  What an interesting year it has been.  We have had the busiest six months in memory along with major changes to the Residential Tenancy Act (131 of them) and then the sharpest increase in interest rates for thirty years – all this happened in twelve months. The good news is that house prices have adjusted from the high in May and are settling about 8% off the peak median price.  All areas of Bendigo and the region have experienced solid price gains overall and we have some stats below for your interest.
Our Property Management team had a big year, all of the properties we manage now meet the new compliance and minimum standards and we have had some excellent growth along the way.
Our sales team had a fantastic twelve months and we are now settling back into a normal market and looking forward to 2023.


Our team has changed a little over the period.  We have welcomed some wonderful new team members in Marely Domaille, Lauren Dalton,  Ash Gilmore and Paynton Joliffe.  All are doing a fantastic job and have fitted in perfectly!!
We are equally saddened to have lost some great team members in Corinne Kinsman, Jacky Johnson, Bec Wharton and Cassie Forde over the year.  We wish all of them the very best in what the future holds.


Overall things are really well, although the market has slowed, it feels like we are getting back to normal like most other things now.  Sport is back to normal, kids are all at school (thank goodness 😊), businesses are back into the swing of things and Bendigo is looking very prosperous for the next few years with the Commonwealth Games heading this way in 2026 and plenty of industry heading towards Bendigo in the coming years.


We would like to thank everyone for your business throughout 2022, we will see you all in the New Year.



We hope you all were able to catch up with family and friends and enjoy the time off over the Christmas break. A big thanks to everyone who we have worked with throughout the year including, tradespeople, legal teams, other estate agencies, vendors, residential rental providers, renters and purchasers